Topic: Sustainable Cities & Communities

Variables and Data
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Variable Description
mun Municipality
dep Department
sdg11_1_hocr Overcrowding rate, 2012 (% of households)
sdg11_1_hno Households that do not have a toilet, bathroom or latrine, 2012 (%) latrine, 201
sdg11_2_samt Seats available for mass transit, 2017 (per 1,000 inhabitants)
index_sdg11 SDG11 Index
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Comparing Urbanization, Literacy, and Electricity Coverage in Areas of High and Low of Sustainable Development in Bolivia
By: Pranav Chandaliya
Apr 22, 2023
Sustainable Development

Varibles Used :

Variable Description
mun Municipality
imds Municipal Sustainable Development Index
sdg4_6_lr Literacy rate for (>= 15 years), 2012 (%)
sdg7_1_ec Electricity coverage, 2012 (% of population)
urbano_2012 Urbanization rate, 2012

A group of researchers wanted to understand differences found in municipalities with varying levels of sustainable development. They used the Municipal Sustainable Development Index, to identify the three highest and lowest sustainable development areas. They then used a bar plot to visualize the data and found that the high sustainable development areas had scores in the range of 70 to 80, while the low sustainable development areas had scores in the range of 30 to 40, indicating a significant difference.

Comparing Low and High sustainable Development index

Next, they wanted to use the same factors to investigate areas with low sustainable development. They plotted the data using another group bar plot and observed a stark contrast. The areas with low sustainable development had lower literacy rates and poorer electricity coverage. Additionally, the urbanization rates were also lower in these areas, indicating a lack of development.

Comparing Urbanization rate, Literacy rate & Electricity Coverage

This analysis highlights the importance of urbanization to advance sustainable development, while also emphasizing the need to address other factors such as access to electricity and education. The correlation matrix helps to provide a clear understanding of the relationships between these variables and their impact on sustainable development, ultimately aiding in the development of more effective policies and strategies to promote sustainable development.

Correlation Matrix

The researcher found that all the factors they were interested in had similar levels of importance, but urbanization had the strongest correlation with sustainable development, followed by electricity coverage and literacy rates. However, the differences between these correlations were relatively small.