Topic: Decent Work & Economic Growth

Variables and Data
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Variable Description
mun Municipality
dep Department
sdg8_4_rem Residential electric meters with zero consumption, 2016 (%)
sdg8_5_oprm Overall participation rate males (>= 10 years), 2012 (%)
sdg8_5_ofrm Overall female participation rate (>= 10 years), 2012 (%)
sdg8_6_mlm Men who do not study or participate in the labor market (15-24 years), 2012 (%)
sdg8_6_wlm Women who do not study or participate in the labor market (15-24 years),2012 (%)
sdg8_10_dbb Density of bank branches, 2018 (per 100,000 inhabitants)
sdg8_11_idi Index of the degree of intermediation in migration, 2012
index_sdg8 SDG8 Index
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